Manage Anxiety/Improve Relationships/Understand Depression/Improve Self Esteem/Clinical Supervision/Support
At Kingsway Lifecare Services our counsellors can assist individuals, families and couples resolve interpersonal tensions, relate more effectively and help overcome self defeating life patterns. This is the work of highly skilled personnel recognised for their professional conduct and competency in the therapeutic application of counselling theory using a variety of healing methods consistent with the integration of faith and practice.
Counsellors will respect the religious convictions of clients and strive to understand their belief system.
Tony Everett has a Bachelor of Counselling Degree and Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy as well as various specialist programs including advanced training in Relationship Counselling, Body Focussed Therapy, Emotionally Focussed Couple Therapy and Male Specialist Counselling. Tony has been involved in all areas of domestic violence including working with offenders. As therapeutic professionals’ counsellors provide sensitivity, humility, honesty, integrity and understanding. In demonstrating respect for you as a client, counsellors shall avoid undue invasion of privacy in the collection and dissemination of information. Of course, while client confidentiality is a priority, threatening behaviour such as self harm or violence imposes a duty on counsellors to disclose such information to their supervisors and / or other appropriate professionals.
As professional counsellors at Kingsway Lifecare Services our therapists are expected to, and are constantly retraining in the latest ideas and concepts to assist our clients on their healing journey. Professional Supervision is also a monthly way of being made aware and discussing issues that may arise that will enable us to do the best for our clients.
Kingsway Lifecare Services is an accredited Workcover Provider for injury rehabilitation assessment and return to work programs. (Provider no. 7075)
Healthcare Benefits may be available from your Healthcare Fund.

Manage Anxiety
Relationship Counselling
Understand Depression
Help Grow Self Esteem